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Brand Strategy

Iba, a plant-based energy drink made with a blend of Brazilian super-ingredients needed a can to match its brand. How do you capture the joyous energy of Brazil while holding your own in a sea of sports beverages? We crafted a visual identity for Iba inspired by the rhythm of Brazil that still promotes a healthy lifestyle for active people. Crack open your Iba and enjoy a first-class ride to sunny São Paulo.


Welcome to the Energy Drink Thunderdome where plant-based, super-functional, hyper-stylish, beverages enter a packed arena to engage in hand-to-hand combat with other brands for the illustrious title of: best dressed can in the refrigerated section.

As supermarkets and bodegas swell with drinks designed to optimize your performance, snagging the spotlight ultimately comes down an engaging *~vibe*~ that breaks the cycle of mediocrity and tells a story.


Here’s Iba’s:

Iba was founded to fulfill the vision of its founder Flavia, of developing a reliable source of healthy energy inspired by the very best of Brazilian culture and the super-functional food loved by the people from her homeland.

Made from a proprietary blend of guarana, green coffee beans, acerola, and copaiba, Iba is one of those rare functional beverages formulated to be drunk safely throughout the day.

For the looky-loos who may not know about Iba’s synergistic effect of sustained energy, immunity and overall wellness, getting its benefits and culture across meant digging deep. We immersed ourselves in the joyful spirit of Brazil, allowing its sounds, sights, and smells inspire an extensive, original visual language.


Brave Idea

Inspired by the colors and hues consumers weren’t seeing on the shelves, we created three cohesive looks with clean gradients, bright colors, and Brazilian-inspired patterning to illustrate Iba’s rich personality.

Differentiating its functional formula from the macho energy brands named after weapons of mass destruction meant leaning on transparency to separate Iba from a category loaded with unpronounceable ingredients.


Great Business Results

Behold Iba! No chemicals. No GMOs. Just good, clean ingredients from the lands of Brazil.

Let's Get to Work